KEYS Manual
The Keys Manual is a comprehensive tool that will provide you with the Knowledge needed to Enable You to Succeed. This is a self study manual that covers six areas that affect your financial world.
- Financial Difficulties – Understanding the six major causes
- Goals – Learning how to set and define your goals and why that is important
- Priorities – Understanding how your priorities affect your decisions
- Budget = Spending Plan – Step by step instructions to help you determine how much money you spend and what you spend it on. Once you have accurate figures, you will learn how to create a spending plan that works in the real world and not just on paper.
- Money Management – Record keeping and how long to keep documents, smart shopping tips, teaching kids about $, understanding insurance coverage, saving by multiplication – the rule of 72, how to complete a net worth statement, how to use credit wisely, understanding credit ratings and credit bureaus.
- Your Rights and How to Get Help - Fair Debt Collections Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act, Opt Out, Identity Theft, Consumer Assistance Agencies
This manual is written in every day language. Not only will you learn from these pages but you will want to keep this manual handy as a reference guide for situations as they arise.
The KEYS Manual is approximately 150 pages contained in a three ring binder. You can purchase a KEYS Manual for $20.00 and it can be picked up at our Green Bay Office location. If you prefer to have it mailed to you, there will be a $7.00 shipping charge. Please make all payments payable to GAP Financial Services. If you would like to pick up your manual, please call our office and we will have one set aside just for you. If you are requesting a manual to be mailed, please remit your funds and request to:
GAP Financial Services N4859 County Road S Pound, WI 54161