Removing Your Name from “Pre-Approved” Lists
Send your full name and addresses for the past five years to:
Experian Consumer Opt Out P.O. Box 919 Allen, TX 75013
Or you may call 1-888-567-8688.
If you call you will be given the option to opt out for two years or permanently. If you write, you will be removed from Experian lists permanently.
Your name will be shared with Equifax and Trans Union, the other two national credit-reporting systems.
Direct Mail or Telephone Solicitations
Write and ask to be removed from their lists. You will be removed for three years.
Mail Preference Service Direct Marketing Assn. PO Box 9008 Farmingdale, NY 11735
Telephone Preference Service Direct Marketing Assn. PO Box 9014 Farmingdale, NY 11735
It may take up to three months before you notice a reduction in the amount of solicitations. Even if you opt out, you may still receive solicitations from local merchants, religious, and charitable associations. To eliminate mail from these groups, as well as mail addressed to “occupant” or “resident,” write directly to each source.